Create an Azure Database

In this topic, you learn how to set up a Azure Database for the PostgreSQL server. This database is used for Neptune DXP - Open Edition.


  • You have a valid Microsoft Azure account.


  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Azure portal.

  2. Select Azure Database for PostgreSQL.

    azure postgresql
  3. Select Create a resource.

  4. Select Databases > Azure Database for PostgreSQL.

    azure create database2
  5. Enter the following data in the new server details form.

    azure postgre settings
    Server name

    Enter a unique name that identifies your Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers. The domain name is appended to the server name you provide.


    Select the subscription that you want to use for your server.

    Resource group

    Create a new resource group or select an existing one.

    Select source

    Select Blank to create a new server from scratch. Select Backup if you create a server from a geo backup of an existing Azure Database for PostgreSQL server.

    Server admin login name

    Select your own login account. The admin login name cannot be the following:

    • azure_superuser

    • azure_pg_admin

    • admin

    • administrator

    • root

    • guest

    • public

      The admin login name cannot start with pg.

    Password/ confirm password

    Select a new password for the server admin account.


    Select the location that is closest to your users.


    Select the latest major PostgreSQL version, unless you have specific requirements otherwise.

    Pricing tier

    Select the compute, storage, and backup configurations for your new server. Consider using the basic pricing tier if light compute and I/O are adequate for your workload.

    Servers created in the basic pricing tier cannot be scaled to General Purpose or Memory Optimized later.
  6. Select Create to create the server. This may take a few minutes.

    Select Pin to dashboard to create a tile for this server on your Microsoft Azure portal dashboard as a shortcut to the server’s overview page.
    Select Go to resource to open the overview page of the server.


  • You have created a PostgreSQL database on your Azure server.

For more details, see the Microsoft documentation for setting up PostgreSQL databases on Microsoft Azure here.