PDF Designer elements

With the PDF Designer, you can create your own PDF templates. The following topic shows an overview over all elements you can use to build your PDF template.

PDF document element

The PDF Document element is a shell for your PDF template. Insert all Document components here.

Document components


Shell for the background of your PDF template. You can insert every Elements component you want to display in the background of your PDF template.


Shell for the content of your PDF template. You can insert every Elements component here.

Default Style

This element sets a default style for your PDF template. You can set, for example, fonts or colors for your entire PDF template.


Shell for the footer area of your PDF template. You can insert Elements components here. You can also use formula as text, for example, to show the current page number and total page numbers:

{= `Page ${currentPage} of ${pageCount} `}

Shell for the header area of your PDF template. See also Footer.


Element to configure the settings of your PDF template. You can set the size of your page or set passwords for your users to access and edit the template.


Shell for collecting your Style elements.


Element to add a watermark to your PDF template. The watermark will appear on every page of your PDF template.

Element components


Element to add a canvas to your PDF template. Attribute overview:

color: The filling color of the canvas.

h: The height of the canvas.

linecolor: The color of the border of the canvas.

r: The border angle of the canvas.

w: The width of the canvas.

x: Margin of the x-axis for the canvas position.

y: Margin of the y-axis for the canvas position.


Element to divide a section of your PDF template into columns. You can insert, for example, Text elements here.


Element to insert an image in your PDF template. Browse for an image from the media library with the src attribute.


Element to insert a bulleted list into your PDF template.


Element to insert a numbered list into your PDF template.

QR code

Element to insert a QR code into your PDF template. You can insert the link you want to display in the qr attribute.


Element to add components into a stack to group them. You can use it to create onger texts with paragraphs without the need to write the full text in one component.


Element to set individual styles. You can assign the style to every other element by setting the style attribute of the element to the name of your Style element. You can only insert Style elements into the Document component Styles.


Element to insert a table into your PDF template. You can insert TableRow elements to add more rows to your table.


Element to add a new row to a table. It can be inserted in Table elements only.


Element to insert a text block to your PDF template. You can also add this element to Footer, Header, Watermark, Columns, ListBulleted, ListNumbered and TableRow elements. You can insert static text in the text attribute in the Properties pane.


Element to group various Text elements with unique formatting settings, for example, to group elements with varying font sizes, to display on one line.

You can add this element to the following document components:

  • Background

  • Content

  • Footer

  • Header

You can add this element to the following element components:

  • Stack

  • TableRow