Upload an application building block



There are two types of building blocks:

  • Private : Only visible to users within the same account

  • Public : Visible to all users who open the Neptune DXP Marketplace

Step 1. Build the solution

  1. Define a Development Package and give it a meaningful name

  2. Place all artifacts in the Development Package that need to be included into the application building block

Optional: Add documentation

Step 2. GitHub repository

  1. Create a public repository with a README file on your GitHub account

  2. Name it just like the Development Package that was defined before

Step 3. GitHub authorization token

  1. On GitHub, in the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings

  2. In the left sidebar, select <> Developer settings

  3. In the left sidebar, under Personal access tokens, select Token (classic)

  4. Select Generate new token and choose For general use

  5. Select Expiration period and select all the checkboxes

  6. Select Generate Token located at the bottom and save the token key somewhere safe

Step 4. Push development package to the repository

  1. In GitHub, head to your repository, and copy its URL

  2. In the Neptune Cockpit, on your Development Package, enable Git and CI/CD and paste the URL

  3. Select Configure Authentication on the Git tab and, select GitHub and paste the token

  4. Select Commit Message and enter a meaningful message

Step 5. Upload to Neptune DXP Marketplace

  1. Head to Neptune DXP Marketplace and select upload

  2. Select Public for making it visible to users within the same account or, select Private for making it visible to all users who open the Neptune DXP Marketplace. It that case, it will be sent first for approval

  3. At Type select Application Building Blocks, add a Title and an Intro.

  4. Add a meaningful description and instructions if you there is no documentation in the package or in the application

  5. Under Description select the Type

    Type: An Application Building Block can be available for both Neptune DXP - SAP Edition and Neptune DXP - Open Edition, or just Neptune DXP - Open Edition. If you do select Neptune DXP - Open Edition Git Installation & Neptune DXP - SAP Edition Components, you will encounter an extra step. In that step, select the type of SAP Object you are uploading, enter the names and paste the raw XML
  6. At GitHub URL, add the repo’s URL

  7. Include Tags, an Icon and Images

  8. Select Create


You have successfully uploaded a building block in the Neptune DXP Marketplace