Set up a rule

In this topic, you learn how to set up a rule in the Rules Engine.


  • There are no prerequisites.


  1. On the Cockpit, go to Development and select Rules Engine.

    Result: You see all rules available in the system.

  2. Select Add.

    Result: A new wizard opens.

    rules engine overview
  3. Enter a Name and a Description for your rule.

  4. You can select a Package for the rule.

    Selecting a package facilitates deployment by combining data from the same package.
  5. Select the Role tab.

  6. Select +Add.

    Result: A new window with all available roles in the system opens.

  7. Select a role. Your rule will now only be available for users that have this role assigned.

    You can use the Role service to define or change roles.
  8. Select Save. Result: Rules Engine adds an ID to your rules and saves change dates.


  • You have made the initial setup for your role and can now start to add attributes and conditions.