Working on the same repository and merging changes

When several developers are working on the same repository from different application servers all commits should be made to a development/feature branch. Each developer should push changes to their own development/feature branch.

Commits can be made to the master/main branch but should only be done so when the database has been synced with the most recent commit on the main/master branch.

In general, a commit should not be pushed to a branch when the database is not synced with the most recent commit for that branch. Trying to commit to a branch when the database is not synced with the most recent commit for that branch will display a warning.

If the repository doesn’t contain a branch which is in sync with the database, you can create a new branch and base the branch of the last commit the database was synced with.

Changes can then safely be pushed to the new branch.


When it is time to merge changes from a feature or development branch with the master/main or other branch, it must be done outside of Neptune DXP using Git.