Connect the database

When you create your Azure Database for the PostgreSQL server, a default database named Postgres is created. In this topic, you learn how to connect your database to Neptune DXP - Open Edition.


  • Your Postgres database setup is complete.

  • To connect to your database server, you need the following:

    • Full server name

    • Port number

    • Admin login credentials

      You can find the login information on the server Overview page.


  1. In the Cockpit, go to Settings and select System Settings.

  2. Select Database and edit the following:


    Type the username for the server administrator that you provided when you created the Azure Database for PostgreSQL Server.


    Enter the port to use when you connect to the Azure Database for PostgreSQL server.


    The default database name generated by the system for the first connection.


    Enter the URL. Example: postgres://

  3. Select Save.

  4. Restart the application.


  • You have configured your database and connected it to Neptune DXP - Open Edition.