Table Browser

With Table Browser, you can view and maintain data of database tables.

You can open a database table, view, add, edit, or delete data records. In your database, you can select the amount of records and columns you want to view and perform search queries.

When you run your database table, you can view table row values in a detail view dialog by selecting (Detail View). If you are in edit mode and you select (Detail View), you can make changes to individual table row values within the dialog.

Select the icon and select desired table column properties to sort the table view according to table column properties that you want to view.

From the Table Browser tool, you can edit a table definition via the Table Definition tool by selecting Definition.

If, in the Table Definition tool, you define a column in a table to be nullable, you can add or edit a table row in the Table Browser tool that contains no data.

If your data contains Boolean data type values, you can set and then filter values of table rows according to the states: true, false, or Undefined.

If you edit a database table, it is locked from editing by other users.

You can export all the data into JSON or CSV format and import while, you can import data in a JSON format.

Ensure that when you import data, the properties match those defined in the corresponding table definition.