Script Editor key words

There are a handful of variables that have additional functionality within the Script Editor. These are not reserved, so can be re-assigned, but if so they will lose their original functionality within that script.

These can be found within the Code Snippets, under the Data subheading and the Entities → Operators subheading:

  • Req

    Useful for handling Request data when the script is being used as an API endpoint. For example: Use req.body to get the body of the request, being sent to the script.

  • Result

    Useful for handling response data for server script APIs.

  • Operators

    You can use code snippets as operators, such as Any, Between, Like, Not, and more:

    script editor key words operators

    They need to be declared before being used within a query, for example:

    const {Not} = operators;
    var countryCode = "UK";
    const fields = {"Country":"text","City":"text"};
    const table = entities.tableofcitiesforcountries;
    const result = await table.find({
        select: ["Country","City"],
        where: {
            "Country": Not(countryCode)

    Or simply use operators.[operation], for example:

    //const {Not} = operators;
    var countryCode = "UK";
    const fields = {"Country":"text","City":"text"};
    const table = entities.tableofcitiesforcountries;
    const result = await table.find({
        select: ["Country","City"],
        where: {
            "Country": operators.Not(countryCode)
  • wfData

    When a workflow script task has true/false actions setting wfData.result will determine what task should be executed. For example, wfData.result = false will process the false action step in the workflow:

    const key = wfData.objectKey;
    try {
    } catch (e) {
        wfData.result = false;

As the Script Editor is using TypeORM, more information can be found here: