Configure the device settings of your mobile client

In this topic, you learn how to configure the device your mobile client runs on.



  1. In the Cockpit, go to Administration and select Mobile Client.

    Result: The table of existing mobile clients open.

  2. Select your mobile client.

    Result: The settings of the mobile client open in the General tab.

  3. Go to the Device tab.

  4. Provide the App ID. The App ID is structured as follows: An example is com.neptune.testapp. This is automatically updated when the Name property is changed.

    The App ID also depends on the certificate you will use later in the Neptune Mobile Build Service
  5. Decide, whether the orientation is landscape or portrait. Default is portrait.

  6. Decide, whether the mobile client should be opened in fullscreen mode.

  7. In the Mobile Client Build section, you can enable automatic updates for your app.

  8. In the Platforms section, you can define on which systems your app should run.

  9. If you select Android, you can make some additional settings:

    1. Cordova Engine Version (V9, V10, V11, V12)

    2. Target SDK Version

      This will help to specify the latest Android API level that the application is tested against. NOTE: If an image is added for the mobile client under the MediaSplashscreen configuration, the 'AndroidWindowSplashScreenAnimatedIcon' property will be configured in the exported config.xml
    3. Minimum SDK Version

    4. Maximum SDK Version

      This will help in defining the range of Android versions under which the application is expected to run.
  10. If you select Windows 10, you have to make some additional settings:

    1. Select the Architecture (anycpu, x65, x86, arm).

    2. Enter the App Identity Name from the Windows Development Center.

    3. Provide the Publisher Name.

    4. Enter the Display Name.

  11. Select Save.


  • You have configured the device settings of your mobile client.