API Trace

With the API Trace, you can track API calls made by applications to the server. You may also view when and who is running an API on the server.

API tracing allows you to view event values such as the date, time, and status. That data can be used for testing and diagnosis.


  • You have enabled API Trace for your API in the API Designer.

API Trace view

The main view of the API Trace shows filter options that help you analyze specific logs and time periods. You can specify one or more APIs or applications and see details on their performance and usage.

In API logs, you can switch between an analytic representation with a line chart and a list view.

api trace base

  • The analytic view shows details about the runtime of an API and the number of successful and failed requests to it.

  • The list view gives information about each Operation that was performed along with the Time, Date, User, and Application that made the request.