Send data to GitHub from a development package

In this topic, you learn how to push data to GitHub from the package.



  1. In Development Package, select the package for which you configured a Git connection.

  2. Select the GIT tab.

    This tab only appears if you have configured a connection to GitHub before.
  3. In Settings, see the button:

    Commit changes and push to remote repository

    When using this feature - Select all files to push, add a commit message and push to the repository. When the added files have been successfully pushed to the repository the dialog will close and some new information will be displayed. The branch dropdown should now at least contain a branch called “master” and next to the repository URL there should be a label with the SHA (commit tag) the database is synced with.

For private repositories and when pushing to a public repository authentication must be added, use “Configure Authentication” to add authentication.

When using GitHub authentication tokens can be generated by going to Profile > Settings > Development settings > Personal access tokens > Tokens (classic) when logged in to GitHub. Included in the template code pushed to the repository, as part of the development package, is a GitHub workflow script.

When using GitHub make sure you include “workflow” as a scope for the authentication token. If this scope is not added the commit will fail when pushing to GitHub.


  • You have made a remote copy of the package, stored in GitHub. It also contains automatically generated additional metadata. Such as a package.JSON.