Add npm modules

In this topic, you learn how to add npm modules to your Neptune DXP - Open Edition. There are two ways to add new npm modules:

  • Browse for npm modules on the web.

  • Import a module from your system.


  • There are no prerequisites.


  1. In the Cockpit, go to Development and select NPM Modules.

    Result: A table with all npm modules that are installed appears.

  2. Select Add.

    Result: The Search npm Module dialog opens.

Add a new npm module from your local system

For modules that are already installed on your server, you will need to specify the path of the folder containing the node modules in Custom Settings under the General tab.

  1. Select Local to search for npm modules already existing on the server.

    Result: The NPM Modules window opens. You start in the General tab.

  2. Enter the Name of the module.

  3. Enter the Description, Version Number, and the local Path of the module.

  4. Select Save.

Add a new npm module from npm

  1. In the search field, enter the name of the module and select Enter.

    Result: A list with corresponding npm modules appears.

  2. Select the module you want to add to your instance.

    Result: A new dialog appears.


    Select Ignore SSL to disregard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate-related errors when downloading the npm Module.

  3. Select the version of the module and confirm with Select.

    Result: The module is installed to your instance of Neptune DXP - Open Edition.


  • You have added a new npm module to your Neptune DXP - Open Edition instance.