Load Neptune forms in adaptive applications

The following example illustrates how to load Neptune Forms in an Adaptive Application, as well as how to save the Form data.


  • You have installed the Adaptive Framework from the Neptune DXP Marketplace

  • You have installed the Neptune Forms add-on from the Neptune DXP Marketplace


  1. Create a form using the Form Designer - Build a simple form

    neptune forms build a simple form
  2. Create a Table where the Form’s data will be saved:

    • Properties:

      • Title

      • Description

      • Formid

      • Formdata

      • Formstatus

    • Set the formdata "Type" to JSON.

    • Select "Nullable" for all fields.

    neptune forms table definition
  3. Create a Connector based on the above table:

    neptune forms connector

    Note: This connector will be used in all the Adaptive applications. More information about the Connector available here.

  4. Create Adaptive Applications

    Note: More information about the Adaptive Designer available here.

    • Create an Adaptive List app using the planet9_adaptive_list template:

      neptune forms create list

      From Settings:

      • Give it a name: “List”

      • Enable Create

      • Enable Close

      • Enable Delete

      • Run at Start

      • Run at Focus

      • Drag “title” and “description” into the Table, and “Save”.

    • Create an Adaptive Edit App using the planet9_adaptive_edit template:

      neptune forms create edit
      • Give it a name: “Form Details”.

      • Drag “title”, “description”, “formid”, and “formstatus” in the “Form”.

      • Select “formid” field, and:

      • Set field type to SingleSelect Lookup

      • Under Data Source:

        • Set Table to "forms_design"

        • Set Key Field to "id"

        • Set Text Field to "name"

        • Hide Key Field

          neptune forms data souce config

        Note: *This configuration will populate the “formid” field with all the available forms created in the Form Designer.

      • Select “formstatus” field, and:

        • Untick Editable

        • “Save”

    • Create an Adaptive App using the planet9_adaptive_forms template:

      neptune forms create form app
      • From Settings:

        • Give it a name: “Fill Form”

        • Enable Close

        • Enable Draft

        • Enable Save

        • Enable Delete

        • Enable Forms

      • From Settings, under “Tab Forms”:

        • Set Form ID to formid

        • Set Form Data to formdata

        • Set Form Status to formstatus

          neptune forms tab form
      • Drag all the fields in the “Form”.

      • Select “updatedAt” field:

      • Change the field “Type” to “DatePicker”

      • Under “Layout”:

        • Tick “Start New Form”

        • Set Colum Title to “Request Data”

      • From Properties:

        • Untick “Editable”

      neptune forms created at field
      • Select “createdAt” field:

      • Change the field “Type” to “DatePicker”

      • From Properties:

        • Untick “Editable”

  5. Connecting the Adaptive Applications:

    • Under “Create” Event Settings → Set the Target to the “Form Details” app (the app created using the planet9_adaptive_edit template).

    • Select “Use”.

    • Under “ItemPress” Event Settings → Set the Target to the “Form Details” app (the app created using the planet9_adaptive_edit template).

    • Select “Use”.

    • From the Adaptive List Application → Create a new Record and select a Form from the Form ID field. (The form created in the Form Designer).

      neptune forms form details
    • From the Adaptive List Application → Select the Table

neptune forms table
  • From Table Properties → Enable Row Action 1

  • Row Action 1:

    • Set text to “Form Details”

    • Select an Icon

    • Set Type to Accept

    • On the “Press” event Settings, the Target will be the “Fill form” app (the app created using the planet9_adaptive_forms template).

    • Select “Use”

    • Then “Save”

      neptune forms properties
  • Select “Form Details” → General Form details are displayed.

    neptune forms general forms details
  • Under the “Form” tab you can fill in the Form and “Save” it, or “Save as draft” for later completion.

    neptune forms fill form
  • From the Cockpit, open the “Reports”

    neptune forms reports
  • In here you can access the submitted reports

    neptune forms report content