Configure a Neptune DXP - SAP Edition authentication

In this topic, you learn how to set up authentication via another Neptune DXP - SAP Edition instance and how to configure it in your cockpit. You must perform multiple tasks to enable the connection.

This Authentication method is ideal if you don’t have an SSO in place. It allows you to configure Neptune DXP - Open Edition to "point" to your SAP system, thus allowing you to log in to Neptune DXP - Open Edition with the SAP user credentials. This mimics having the Neptune DXP - Open Edition setup with Principle Propagation to an SAP system, which maps the email of the Neptune DXP - Open Edition user to the SAP user. In this new setup, with the system settings authentication, since you are logging in with the SAP user, this mapping is essentially already completed.


  • Having Neptune DXP - SAP Edition installed.


  1. In the Cockpit, go to Settings, and select System Settings.

  2. In the Authentication tab, select Edit.

  3. Select Add, and select SAP Edition.

    Result: The Authentication dialog opens.

  4. In the SAP Edition dialog, fill in or select the following fields:

    1. Enter a Name for the authentication.

    2. Select Active to activate this authentication method.

    3. Select Show on login page to display the authentication method on the login page.

    4. Enter a Description.

    5. Enter a unique Path to post login data. For example:

      Neptune DXP - Open Edition by default will create a path for your authentication. In this case: http://p9/user/logon/sap/mysap
    6. In Hostname, enter the URL of your Neptune DXP - SAP Edition instance. For example:
    7. In Client, enter the client number for the users. This can be found on your Neptune DXP - SAP Edition instance.

      There can be many clients in an SAP system.
    8. In the Fetch additional data with API Factory (BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL) checkbox, you can assign to the user additional information. This will work if you have SAP Factory installed in your other system.

  5. If required, in Auto Assignment, assign roles and groups that you have defined in the Role and Security Group tools in the Neptune DXP - Open Edition Cockpit.

  6. In Custom Script, to modify the roles' assignment manually, optionally enter your own custom code .

    For example, to log user details to view in the system logs when the authentication method is used and to use custom logic to affect the entered variables, enter the following in Custom Script:"XXuser",user);"XXprofile",profile);"Member of:"+ profile.memberof);
  7. Select OK.

  8. In System Settings, select Restart to activate the Neptune DXP - SAP Edition authentication.


  • You have configured and activated a Neptune DXP - SAP Edition authentication.