Connect Neptune DXP - Open Edition with Salesforce

In this topic, you learn how to configure the authentication settings in your Neptune DXP - Open Edition to connect your Salesforce account to it.



  1. In the Cockpit, go to Security and select Proxy Authentication.

  2. Create a new authentication method.

    1. Select OAuth 2.0 as authentication method.

      Result: The OAuth 2.0 tab appears.

    2. Go to the OAuth 2.0 tab.

    3. As URL, enter the following:

    4. As Body, enter the following: grant_type=password&client_id=INSERT_YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE&client_secret= INSERT_YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET_HERE&username=INSERT_YOUR_SF_USERNAME_HERE &password=INSERT_YOUR_SF_PASSWORD_HERE (+ attach Security Token)

      To receive your Salesforce security token, go to Settings and select Reset my Security Token. You receive an email containing your new security token.


  • You have configured the authentication method in your Neptune DXP - Open Edition to enable a connection to your Salesforce account.