Launch the AWS instance

In this topic, you create and launch an instance in the AWS console and connect it to your Neptune DXP - Open Edition. An instance is a virtual server in the AWS cloud that runs the application you create with Neptune DXP - Open Edition.



Launch an instance

  1. In your browser, go to the AWS console and sign in.

  2. On the Launch instance panel, select Launch instance and select Launch instance from the drop-down menu.

    aws launch instance
  3. Select one of the available Amazon Machine Images from the list and select Select next to it.

  4. Select an instance type from the list and select Review and Launch.

    Result: You are forwarded to the Review step where you see a configuration summary for the instance.

  5. Make sure that the configurations are correct and select Launch.

    Result: A pop-up window opens. Now you need the key pair you created before for this instance.

    aws key pair popup
  6. From the first drop-down menu, select Choose an existing key pair.

  7. From the second drop-down menu, select the key pair you created for this instance.

  8. Select Launch Instances.

    Result: You are forwarded to a summary of your newly created instance where you can check the configurations.

  9. Select View instances.

    Result: You see the Instances panel with the instance you created and other instances you may have created earlier. The panel shows information on you instance, including the name, ID, and status.

Connect the instance to Neptune DXP - Open Edition

  1. On the Instances panel, select your instance by selecting the checkbox next to the name of the instance.

  2. Select Connect.

    aws instance details

    Result: The Connect to instance dialog opens. There, you can configure the connection to the server.

  3. On the Connect to instance dialog, go to the SSH client tab and follow the steps presented to you.

    aws connect

    Result: After following the steps, you have completed the connection process.

  4. Download Neptune DXP - Open Edition to your server from our community website.

  5. Follow the steps in the Installation guide.


  • You have created and launched an instance on the AWS console.

  • You have connected your instance to Neptune DXP - Open Edition.

Next steps