Add npm modules to your project

Running npm install in the terminal will not work since the terminal is only used to run Git commands once you establish a connection to your repository.

Install all npm modules from the package.json file

  1. Select App modules

  2. Select the Install npm modules

    This will install all npm modules that are referred in the package.json file.

Update npm modules

  1. Select App modules

  2. Select Update npm modules

    This will only update the npm modules that have changed in the package.json file.

Add npm modules from

  1. Select App modules

  2. Select Add npm module

  3. Search and install your desired npm module

Use a module in a script

To include the module in a script simple place at the top of your script:

// A JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.
import moment from 'moment';