Swagger UI
Purpose of the Swagger UI
The Swagger UI tab will give you a visualization of the swagger specification generated by the class. With this tool you can test the APIs endpoints and also review its metadata. In the case of APIs which need Entities the Swagger specification will return metadata targeted towards the specified entity. If the class does not require any Entities, you will see all metadata related to the class itself (like the class or method documentation).
Examples of SwaggerUI
Example of /NEPTUNE/CL_DR_LIB_SRC_PROG_X which requires a Program name as an entity.
The POST /execute Endpoint even reflects the Selection Screen Variants of the corresponding ABAP Program as "Examples" inside Swagger UI. The Body Payload will then be adjusted accordingly.
Example of /NEPTUNE/CL_DR_IC_DEMO which requires no entities.
As you can see also the class documentation will be added to the swagger specification on top. This also works for the Method Documentation.
Besides that, the functionality description is added in the SwaggerUI
It is also added in the GUI