In the Layout section, you can add one or more tile layouts that will define the look and feel of your tiles.
Tile layout settings like colors, font size, borders, etc. are inherited from the Neptune Layout through the applied UI5 Theme. With a tile layout you can manipulate the tile look and feel beyond the settings coming from the UI5 Theme.
Depending on your use case, tile layouts can be added to individual tiles, tile groups, or to a Neptune Layout.
Tile Layouts for Dark Appearance
Add one or more tile layouts for dark appearance.
As a default, the tile layouts added for light appearance will also be used for dark appearance. You can prevent the inheritance with the Do Not Inherit Light Appearance Tile Layout setting. Add tile layouts for dark appearance if needed. |
Tile Layout Settings
Tiles inherit tile layout settings configured in launchpad layouts and tile groups. Enable the Force Attributes setting, if layout attributes defined in this tile configuration or configuration made in tile layouts added to this tile should have priority.
Add a CSS Style Class to the tile. Add any CSS in the launchpad layout or launchpad global style section.
Deprecated. Use a style class instead and add any CSS in the launchpad layout or launchpad global style section.