Icon and Icon Image

You can add a small descriptive icon to each tile. It can be one of the many thousands font icons included in Neptune or an icon image. If icon image is set, it will be used in tiles and navigation items where applicable. When space is limited, icon font is used.

Tile Icon

In the Tile Icon Font setting, you can choose any of the many thousand icons found in the Neptune Icon Explorer.

You can also choose to bind the image source to an i18n resource, if that is maintained.

In Tile Icon Image - Light Appearance, you can choose an icon image from the Neptune Media Library to be used for light appearance. The image should be small and preferably quadratic, like 48x48px.

In Tile Icon Image - Dark Appearance, you can choose an icon image from the Neptune Media Library to be used for dark appearance. The image should be small and preferably quadratic, like 48x48px.

As a default, the light appearance tile image will be used for dark appearance.

Icon Settings

Deprecated. Use a dedicated tile layout instead.