Add a new tile group

In this topic, you learn how to add and configure a new tile group.



  1. In the Cockpit, go to Administration and click Tile Group.

    Result: The table of existing tile groups opens.

  2. Click Add.

    Result: The settings of your new tile group opens.

General tab

  1. In the General section, you define the settings of the tile group with regard to system internal processes. Name refers to the name the artifact has in the system.

  2. In the Information section, you provide general information about your tile group. The information given here are displayed on the tile group on the launchpad.

  3. In the Message section, you can write a message of a certain information type that is shown to the user on the launchpad above your tile group.

Layout tab

  1. In the Tiles Layout section, you can configure the arrangement and general layout of tiles inside your tile group on the launchpad.

  2. In the Tile Group Layout section, you can configure the general layout of your tile group on the launchpad.

  3. In the Tile Group Header section, you can configure the layout of the tile group header.

  4. In the sections Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile, you can specify the layout of the tile group depending on the output medium.

Role tab

In the Role tab, you can restrict access to your tile group to users with a specific role. You can choose as many roles as you want.

  1. Click Add to open the dialog with the available roles in the system.

  2. Click on a role.

  3. Click Select.

Tile tab

In the Tile tab, you choose the tiles that should be part of your tile group. You can choose as many tiles as you want.

  1. Click Add to open the dialog with the available tiles in the system.

  2. Click on a tile.

  3. Click Select.

You can drag and drop tiles to change the order in which they are displayed inside the tile group on the launchpad.

Tile group tab

In the Tile group tab, you can add child tile groups to your new tile group. The hierarchy is displayed on the launchpad.

  1. Click Add to open the dialog with the available tiles in the system.

  2. Click on a tile.

  3. Click Select.

You can drag and drop tile groups to change the order in which they are displayed on the launchpad.

Translation tab

In the Translation tab, you can provide a translation for the title and subtitle of your tile group in a chosen language. This translation is only displayed when the user chooses this language on the launchpad.

  • Click Save when you finished editing.


  • You have added and configured a tile group.