Connect your account

In this topic, you learn how to connect the subaccount you created with Neptune DXP - Open Edition.



  1. Install the Command Line Interface (CLI) for Cloud Foundry (cf).

    You can find the installation file for macOS, Windows, and Linux here: Downloads.
  2. Follow the installation guide here.

  3. Go to the Business Technology Platform (BTP.

  4. Click Quota Plans of your subaccount.

  5. Copy the API Endpoint link.

    sap cloud foundry api endpoint
  6. Open a terminal. Enter the following command and replace API Endpoint with the link you copied:

    cf login -a API Endpoint
  7. Enter your login credentials to the SAP BTP. Check if the Org name and Space name match with the details of your SAP subaccount.

  8. Enter the following command and replace App Name with the name of your app in Neptune DXP - Open Edition:

    cf push App Name -m 4096 --docker-image
    While deploying, your command prompt or terminal shows an error message. You can ignore this error and continue following the steps. If your command prompt or terminal stays in a loop, press Ctrl+C to break it.
  9. On the SAP BTP, click Cloud Foundry > Spaces. Click on the name of your space. The application overview of your space opens.

    sap cloud foundry spaces
    1. In the Name row, click on the name of your application

    2. In Quota Information, click Change Quota.

    3. Set the Disk Quota (MB) to 4096 and click Save.

  10. Click User-Provided Variables > Add.

    1. In the Key field, type PLANET9_IP.

    2. In the Value field, type

  11. Click Save.

    If this does not work, enter the following in your command prompt or terminal:

    cf set-env
  12. Click Overview > Restart (or Start). After a few minutes, the indicator above the Restart button switches from Starting to Started.

  13. In Application Routes, click on the link. You are forwarded to the login page of Neptune DXP - Open Edition.

  14. Sign in with the Username admin and the Password admin.


  • You have set up the SAP BTP subaccount and connected to Neptune DXP - Open Edition.