Add an OData resource

In this topic, you learn how to define an OData resource and add it to DXP - Open Edition.


  • There are no prerequisites.


  1. In the Cockpit, go to Connectivity and click OData Source.

  2. In OData Source, click Add.

    Result: The settings of the OData resource open. You start in the General tab.

  3. Enter a meaningful Name.

  4. In Version, select the version of your OData resource.

  5. Assign the OData resource to a Group or Package of artifacts.

  6. In Endpoint, enter the URL of your OData resource.

  7. In Description, enter a description of the OData resource.

  8. Activate any of the following options that fit your OData resource:

    • Allow Untrusted Certificates: Allow self-signed certificates that were added in Proxy Authentication.

    • Enable Proxy: Allow proxy to reach external servers to prevent CORS issues.

    • Use in App Designer: Allow this artifact to be used in the App Designer.

  9. Click Save.


  • Your OData resource is saved with the current settings. OData Source adds an ID to your OData resource and saves change dates.

Note: You can test your OData Source in the App Designer.

  • Drag and drop the OData Source component in the resources of your application.

  • Select your oData Source.

  • Use an onInit component to get the data to your List ( getODataoList(); ).

  • Set the Model Source of your List to your OData Source.

  • Bind your elements to your desired fields, or use the wizard to autogenerate the elements and bindings to your desired fields.

odata source test app