Create a task topic


  • Use an imperative verb acting on a single noun. Examples:

    • Add a course team member

    • Create an e-mail message

    • Install the software

  • Use sentence style (have no capital letters besides the first word).

  • Keep the title short but meaningful.


  • After the title provide context.

  • Present information about what is described in this topic.

  • Why would the user complete this task in terms of a business or personal goal and not in terms of the software application.

Do not repeat the title. If the task is short and there is not much more to say than the tile, skip the introduction and start with the prerequisites.


List the prerequisites required to complete the task as bullet list.


  • Write two or more task steps as an ordered list.

  • Provide step results when necessary.

  • Insert screenshots when necessary.

  • Always explain steps that are mandatory or fields that must be filled in. Mandatory steps are usually indicated by a small red star.

  • Explain optional steps or fields that are only optional to be filled in only if the content is relevant to other parts of the system or documentation, or if they are not self-explanatory.

  • Insert special notices whenever needed:

    Provides a helpful tip, for example: Watch the video "How to create a resource group".
    Provides important additional information on a subject.
    Warn readers about possible damage to equipment or data, about potential problems in the outcome of what they are doing, or potential negative experiences.


  • A short sentence about what the user accomplished after going through all steps.

Next steps

  • List next steps, if any.

  • This section is optional and shall only be used if there are next steps, for example, in a guide.

  • This section is mandatory for each topic.

  • List topics that are mentioned in the topic and that are important to understand the content of the topic.

  • Make sure the list does not become too long.