
Introducing lists

  • Always write a full sentence when introducing a list.

  • Do not insert lists without an introduction.


    List of prerequisites in a Task topic. See Task topic.


    The following requirements apply when you create a list:

    • List item 1

    • List item 2

    • List item 3

Punctuation and capitalization

  • Always begin a list item with a capital letter.

  • Use a full stop after a list item that is a complete sentence.

  • Do not use a full stop or comma after list items that are incomplete sentences.

  • If the list consists of complete and incomplete sentences, use a full stop after each list item.


    Perform the following steps:

    1. Update the software.

    2. Download the new version of the software.

    3. Install the software.

    4. Test the software.


    To successfully install the plug-in, check the following:

    • The version no. of the plug-in.

    • Your username and password are valid.

    • You have installed the latest version of the software.

List types

We use two types of lists:

  • Ordered list (numbered list)

  • Unordered list (bullet list)

Ordered list

Use an ordered list when the order of the list items matters or you want your readers to perform steps in a specific order.


Perform the following steps:

  1. Update the software.

  2. Download the new version of the software.

  3. Install the software.

  4. Test the software.

Unordered list

Use an unordered list when you list items that have no particular order.


The software update consists of the following items:

  • Licence key

  • Plug-In

  • Security information

  • License agreement

  • Privacy policy