Task topic structure and template

The general structure of a task topic is standardized. The following shows this structure in AsciiDoc and in the HTML output:

= Heading

Introductory sentence, for example, In this topic, you learn how to do this and that.

== Prerequisites
* You have XY.
* There are no prerequisites.

== Procedure

. Step one.
. Step two.
*Result*: Result of step two. For example, The Application Settings window opens.

. Step three.
. Step four.

== Results
* You have done XY.

== Related topics
* xref to topic
* xref to other topic


Introductory sentence, for example, In this topic, you learn how to do this and that.


  • You have XY.

  • There are no prerequisites.


  1. Step one.

  2. Step two.

    Result: Result of step two. For example, The Application Settings window opens.

  3. Step three.

  4. Step four.


  • You have done XY.

  • xref to topic

  • xref to other topic