Active vs passive voice

Prefer active to passive voice

Active voice is clearer and shorter and emphasizes the role of the actor instead of the action. An actor can be a user or even a software. Because we write from a user’s perspective, the active voice is more friendly. If the actor is unknown or irrelevant, you can use passive voice.

  • Yes: The data access subsystem uses this interface to control data providers.

  • No: This interface is used by the data access subsystem to control data providers.

Avoid impersonal formulation

Avoid „is/are to be + participle“ to express a task. This structure is complicated and does not address the reader directly. A direct instruction facilitates the quick and easy execution of a task.

  • Yes: Install the software after the download.

  • No: The software has to be installed after the download.

  • Yes: Execute the command.

  • No: The command has to be executed.