

Serial comma (Oxford comma)

  • Use a serial comma in a list of two or more items.


    The software includes updates, plug-ins, and security guidelines.

Commas in lists

  • Do not use a comma to separate list items. Use a full stop instead. See also Lists.

Commas in independent clauses

  • Use a comma to separate independent clauses.

    • He walked down the street, and then he turned the corner.

    • You can go shopping with me, or you can go to a movie alone.

If clauses

  • Use a comma when the sentence begins with the if clause.


    If the software is right for me, I will buy it.

  • Do not use a comma when the if clause comes after the conditional sentence.


    I will buy the software if it is right for me.


Use a colon after an introductory phrase or sentence. Begin the following sentence with a capital letter.

  • Among other things, the software has one big advantage: It is cloud-based.

  • App Designer consists of the following components:

    • Component A

    • Component B

    • Component C


Use hyphens sparsely.

Hyphens in compound adjectives

  • Use hyphens in compound adjectives that consist of two or more words.

    • Step-by-step instructions

    • On-the-fly solution

    • Single-use gloves

    • Well-dressed software engineer

Hyphens in adverbs

  • Use hyphens in adverbs that consists of two or more words.

    • The software is up-to-date.

    • The application is custom-built.

    • I updated the software on the fly.

    • I followed the instructions step by step.

Full stops

  • Use a full stop after a complete sentence.

  • Use a full stop after a word or term if you want to use an additional heading level. See Headings.


  • Do not use semicolons to link two independent clauses. Create two sentences instead.


  • Avoid parentheses.

  • Use parentheses only in the following cases:

    • Measurement units (in cm)

    • Position numbers in a legend

    • Acronyms or short names for longer terms


      Amazon Web Services (AWS) is made by Amazon. We use AWS for our services.


Use apostrophes to signify possession with nouns. Do not use possessive forms for company names, product names, or feature names.


  • Yes: Neptune products are driven by a passion for innovation and the desire to help you feel better.

  • Yes: The VERION™ System VERION Reference Unit is used throughout the world.

  • No: Neptune’s products are driven by a passion for innovation and the desire to help you feel better.

  • No: The VERION™ System’s VERION Reference Unit is used throughout the world.