Complex task topics
There is a general distinction between services with high complexity and services with low complexity. Services with high complexity have a more sophisticated structure, as shown below:
![service overview](_images/service_overview.png)
Complex tasks
There are tasks that are too complex to be described in one topic. These tasks usually consist of a number of steps that must be completed in a specific order. These complex tasks are called guide.
The introductory topic of a guide is structured as follows.
= Title
In this guide, you learn how to...
This guide consists of the following steps:
* Task topic 1
* Task topic 2
* Task topic 3
* optional: Task topic 4
* (...)
Optional tasks
Optional tasks in complex tasks are tasks that are not strictly necessary to fulfill the primary purpose of a topic. However, optional tasks describe helpful additional capabilities that support that primary use. For example, in order to create a tile, you do not need to know how to configure the layout, but it helps you a lot.
How to label optional topics
In a complex task topic: Optional tasks are marked with "optional"
In the table of content: Optional tasks are marked with "optional". All available topic shall appear in the table of content.
In the concept topic of a service: Optional tasks are NOT marked with "optional"
Also see Links.